Tuesday, 7 September 2010

First lesson of A-Level Computing

In my first session of A-Level Computing today we considered two questions - what the differences between Computing and ICT were, and what was different between computing and a computer. In response to the first question the majority of the class as well as myself considered ICT to be associated with using computers to input and process information, and as such we thought of ICT of being a subject in which the everyday uses of a computer are studied, whilst we thought of computing as being more of a study of these processes themselves and the way that they are engineered using computers, as the programs themselves are examined to see how they work and carry out these processes.  I, as well as some of my peers also considered Computing to relate more to hardware, and ICT to relate more to software.
  However, when it came to the more difficult second question I came to realise that the difference between computing and a computer is that the former refers to devising the instructions to create a program, whilst the latter is a machine which interprets these instructions so that information inputted by users can be processed.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Mike - not only do I agree with your summary but your level of detail and style are what I am looking for in posts. With your permission I would like to show your post to the class as a 'model' of what they should aim at. Keep up the good work
